Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Match Of the Seventies Season 1975 1976

ENG very fun repost dead link
856.32 Mo https://1fichier.com/?h05lu3upzk8w06f56a3y

When the Premiership started its third season on 20 August !994 just5 weeks aftertheend of a World Cup in which no British country was involved the well-oiled machinery known as the English football season cranked itself up into working order with scarcely a backward glance. Television coverage resumed its now prescribed pattern, with certain matches moved away from the Saturday programme for 'live' coverage, and a generation of supporters took its presence for granted as readily as the game's other accoutrements. Rather like the goalnets, turnstiles and hot dogs, television had always been there. Except that it hadn't. Thirty years ago to the very day, with the game still trying to corne to terms with the potential dangers or benefits of that black-and-white picture flickering in the corner of the lounge, the BBC had launched on an unsuspecting soccer public a programme of Saturday night highlights entitled Match ofthe Day. The technological advances in the 60s, with the advent of electronic cameras and videotape, meant that pictures from outside broadcasts could now be transmitted and recorded to a central source ready for editing immediately the game ended. The 50s'-style Sports Special, where film was taken out of a camera at half time and rushed by dispatch rider to the nearest regional studio, was declared obsolète. Yet Match of the Day started more as a nervous experiment than as a market leader. The programme was initially placed on BBC2 in the early evening, and the first match Liverpool v Arsenal from Anfield in August 1964 was watched by an estimated television audience of 20,000, less than half the attendance at the ground!

The programme planners were not to know that over the course of the next three decades, Match ofthe Day would become a quintessential part of rhe nation's culture. England's triumph in the 1966 World Cup propelled the programme into a peak time slot on BBC1, By the early 70s, the show was attracting an average weekly audience of over 10 million, rising as high as 14 million on FA Cup weekends. The habit spread across social frontiers. Watching Match ofthe Day developed into a Saturday night ritual, which emptied pubs before closing time, interrupted family parties, and realigned the routine of clergymen, film stars and even Royalty. It kept the children up and sometimes, it should be said, it sent mum to bed. Two matches which had finished just a few hours earlier were neatly edited, packaged and analysed, with reaction from those involved, well ahead of the Sunday papers. Jt was topical entertainment before the cocoa had cooled. By the end of rhe seventies, Saturday night without Match of the Day seemed unthinkable.

Then an audacious attempt by ITV to 'snatch' the contract with the Football League led to a compromise between the two television channels. For a 4 year period, Match of the Day alternated between Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons. Next, in the early 80s, came the thirst for 'live' football. For a short rime, there was Match ofthe Day on a Friday night. Then it was back to Sunday afternoons for transmission of one pre-selected game, the television controllers now disaffected with edited highlights. In 1988, ITV secured exclusive rights to league football for 4 years. The BBC, now part of a new contract with the Football Association, countered with a 5-year deal to screen the FA Cup, and renamed the programme Match of the Day  The Road to Wembley. But those who had grown up with the regular Saturday night slot still yearned for the weekly staple diet of edited highlights...


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