Sunday, June 30, 2024

Manchester United Academy Young Reds in Hong Kong

1.42 Go

United's U16 squad embark on a life-changing trip to Hong Kong for The Jockey Club Youth Football Academy Summit in a festival of football and cultural exchange 

“We want to flip their thought of what the word education means,” Wayne Cahill (Lead Education Officer) says near the film’s end.
“Because straight away you say education and you think of English, maths and science. Of course, that’s important, but [it’s about] a wider education in a more informal sense. It’s about teaching the boys life skills — what they need to be successful, whether they’re players with us or go elsewhere.
“The way that they use those skills is particularly important on trips like this. The way they’ve interacted with fans around has just been absolutely amazing to see. They’ve been humble in their actions and done the club badge proud in the way they’ve conducted themselves off the pitch.”

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