Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Amical 1974 Yougoslavie England

5 Juin 1974

Crvena Zvezda Stadium, Belgrade




River Plate Campeon 89-90 DOC


SV Roda 1976 1988 De Jaren Zeventig

Torino 1975 1976 ESPN Furia ZONA

Uefa Cup 1979 1980 Crvena Zvezda Bayern München

Third Round,
Second Leg
12 December 1979
Stadion Crvena Zvezda  Marakana Belgrad
Referee: Hilmi

  Six ans après le fabuleux triplé réalisé par le kaiser Franz en 1974 (Bundesliga, Coupe d'Europe et Coupe du Monde), quatre ans après le dernier succès en Coupe des Champions (1976 et le troisième consécutif), revoilà le Bayern de Munich au sommet du football allemand ! Quatre ans de relatif purgatoire, au cours desquels la direction du Bayern a changé de main, où les entraîneurs ont valsé, ainsi que quelques vedettes comme Muller ou Kappelmann, Paul Breitner faisait régner la terreur à l'intérieur du club. Il n'y eut cependant pas que des côtés négatifs dans la métamorphose du grand club bavarois. L'arrivé de Uli Hoeness, comme manager, celle de Pal Csernai au poste d'entraîneur, et un recrutement plus judicieux ont permis en effet au Bayern de revenir au sommet. 

TO UPDATE Focus On : Liam Brady Story

Liam Brady is a true Irish soccer great. It is a major regret for many Republic of Ireland fans that this wonderful soccer talent was never displayed in a major international championship finals. Injury, bad luck and his inability to adapt fully to the Jack Charlton football philosophy all conspired to prevent him from appearing in the finals of either the Euro Championship or World Cup. Undoubtedly Liam Brady was the most Irish talented footballer of his generation and he went on to play for top soccer clubs in England and Italy. Brady was born, and raised in the 1960's, in Dublin. As a schoolboy he played for the northside Dublin football club St Kevin's Boys and very quickly came to the attention of the Irish based scouts for English top flight clubs. While Brady was playing his schoolboy soccer in Ireland the English First Division (the fore runner of the Premier League) was being dominated by football clubs from the North of England. Clubs from London were struggling to make the big breakthrough. Nevertheless it was London club Arsenal that attracted a 13 year old Liam Brady over for soccer trials. With hindsight it seems obvious that the young Brady would impress the Arsenal staff with his footballing gifts in general and his sublime left foot. Equally the professionalism in approach and the high quality set up at Highbury impressed Brady. In 1971, at the age of 15, Brady moved across to Arsenal on a full-time basis.