Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Charity Shield 1996 Manchester United Newcastle
11 August 1996
Wembley Stadium,
Referee Paul Durkin
Attendance 73,214
If Alan Shearer is the most costly individual to walk the turf of legends, Eric Cantona demonstrated at Wembley yesterday afternoon that he remains the most precious. For, while Shearer pined for the ball that seldom came, while Manchester United outpaced, outplayed and outwitted the pretenders from the North East, it was Cantona one-fifteenth the cost of the £15 million Shearer who inspired and led the Double-winners to such an emphatic victory in the FA Charity Shield. One is tempted to say that here was an ordinary man, elevated by birthright and by his goals among Englishmen, competing against one who is extraordinary, who is French, and who reached yet again the extremes of wonderful touch and vision. Cantona might also have been sent off when his infamous temper erupted in the second half, but he received merely a yellow card for a physical assault on Philippe Albert that prefaced the turn from sunshine to a glowering late thunderstorm. But how Manchester United proved their worth. It was not all about Shearer, and never could be. There is no point in possessing an idol, indeed in having £16.25 million of spare talents on the bench, if you are not a team, and from the start, as Newcastle groped for a pat tern, the other United were first into their stride, first to flow. They commanded midfield through Keane and Butt. At the back, May and Pallister stretched stride for stride with Shearer and Ferdinand.
Wembley Stadium,
Referee Paul Durkin
Attendance 73,214
If Alan Shearer is the most costly individual to walk the turf of legends, Eric Cantona demonstrated at Wembley yesterday afternoon that he remains the most precious. For, while Shearer pined for the ball that seldom came, while Manchester United outpaced, outplayed and outwitted the pretenders from the North East, it was Cantona one-fifteenth the cost of the £15 million Shearer who inspired and led the Double-winners to such an emphatic victory in the FA Charity Shield. One is tempted to say that here was an ordinary man, elevated by birthright and by his goals among Englishmen, competing against one who is extraordinary, who is French, and who reached yet again the extremes of wonderful touch and vision. Cantona might also have been sent off when his infamous temper erupted in the second half, but he received merely a yellow card for a physical assault on Philippe Albert that prefaced the turn from sunshine to a glowering late thunderstorm. But how Manchester United proved their worth. It was not all about Shearer, and never could be. There is no point in possessing an idol, indeed in having £16.25 million of spare talents on the bench, if you are not a team, and from the start, as Newcastle groped for a pat tern, the other United were first into their stride, first to flow. They commanded midfield through Keane and Butt. At the back, May and Pallister stretched stride for stride with Shearer and Ferdinand.
Premier League 2011 2012 Manchester United Tottenham
22 August 2011
Old Trafford,
Referee L. Probert
Il serait fascinant de savoir ce que Patrice Evra, qui ne rate jamais une occasion de taquiner les « baby Gunners », pense des « Diablotins Rouges ». Ceux qui, par la force des choses, composeront la défense de Manchester United contre Tottenham, lundi soir et lors des semaines à venir. Nemanja Vidic, victime d'une contracture au mollet, est ont pour quinze jours. Rio Ferdinand, touché à la cuisse, en a pour un mois et demi, au moins, en attendant une probable rechute. Rafaël, qui s'est luxé l'épaule, ne sera de retour que fin octobre. Et Edwin van der Sar, bien sûr, savoure sa retraite du côté d'Amsterdam. Même si le trentenaire Évra était remis du choc à la cheville qui le fit quitter la pelouse de Wembley lors du Community Shield, la moyenne d'âge de la défense mancunienne face à Tottenham ne serait alors que de vingt-trois ans. Que le Français soit toujours inapte et doive laisser sa place à Fabio, elle chuterait à vingt ans et neuf mois, et cela alors que le programme de MU lors des quatre prochaines journées (après la réception des Spurs) se compose de deux déplacements, à Bolton et à Stoke, et de chocs contre Arsenal et Chelsea, à Old Trafford.
Old Trafford,
Referee L. Probert
Il serait fascinant de savoir ce que Patrice Evra, qui ne rate jamais une occasion de taquiner les « baby Gunners », pense des « Diablotins Rouges ». Ceux qui, par la force des choses, composeront la défense de Manchester United contre Tottenham, lundi soir et lors des semaines à venir. Nemanja Vidic, victime d'une contracture au mollet, est ont pour quinze jours. Rio Ferdinand, touché à la cuisse, en a pour un mois et demi, au moins, en attendant une probable rechute. Rafaël, qui s'est luxé l'épaule, ne sera de retour que fin octobre. Et Edwin van der Sar, bien sûr, savoure sa retraite du côté d'Amsterdam. Même si le trentenaire Évra était remis du choc à la cheville qui le fit quitter la pelouse de Wembley lors du Community Shield, la moyenne d'âge de la défense mancunienne face à Tottenham ne serait alors que de vingt-trois ans. Que le Français soit toujours inapte et doive laisser sa place à Fabio, elle chuterait à vingt ans et neuf mois, et cela alors que le programme de MU lors des quatre prochaines journées (après la réception des Spurs) se compose de deux déplacements, à Bolton et à Stoke, et de chocs contre Arsenal et Chelsea, à Old Trafford.