Monday, June 24, 2024

World Cup 1970 Germany Uruguay


Match 3e Place
20 Juin 1970
Estadio Azteca Mexico

ENG repost dead link
2.62 Go

West Germany: H. Wolter, Patzke, Vogts, W. Weber, Schnellinger (46.  Lorenz), Fichtel, Libuda (74.  Löhr), Seeler, G. Müller, Overath, Held.
Uruguay: Mazurkiewicz, Ubinas, Ancheta, Fontes (46. Esparrago), Matosas, Mujica, Montero, Maneiro (67. Sandoval), Cubilla, Cortez, Morales.

A goal by Wolfgang Overath at the 27‐minute mark gave West Germany a 1‐0 victory to day over Uruguay and third place in the 1970 World Cup soccer championship. A crowd of 80,000 in Aztec Stadium saw Overath, the out standing player of the match, take a pass from Gerhard Mul ler and fire home the goal from the edge of the penalty zone.

The crowd roared their ap preciation as the Germans, beaten, 4‐3, by Italy in an over time semi‐final three days ago, paraded the Mexican flag around the stadium after the game in a tribute to their World Cup hosts. This consolation match is traditionally something of a tame affair. But this time, the crowd had plenty to roar about when in the second half Uru guay stormed time and again at the German goal, only to be thwarted by last‐minute saves at the goal.

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